Life-Lengthening Health Advice Ratios
Research suggests you can increase the average odds of extending your life by following the below:
2:1 Average odds of Heart Disease
You can cut your risk of heart disease by a massive 40% (4:1) just by getting your RDA of vitamin D, found Danish researchers.
25:1 Average risk of Heart Attacks
By eating meat can change your odds to 50:1. Carosine, a nutrient in meat, protects your heart by lengthening your telomeres (parts of your DNA that shorten with age). Just make sure your 300g a day is lean!
4:6 Heart Attack Risks with Cholesterol
Change your odds by eating an apple a day to 17:1. The proverbial doctor-repellant reduces your LDL cholesterol by 40%, found the Ohio State University. LDL is the type known to lead to hardening of the arteries, a direct cause of heart disease. It’s crunch time for your ticker.